hi. March is ending. Can it be? Maybe we finally have a shot at spring starting. If the [hysterical?] birds are any indication, its here! I won't be back at my desk until April, so the March Grid is being hatched today.
We had a bunch of snow (yuck!) and I had Jury Duty. I'm one of those weirdos who likes it and I was kinda bummed when I eventually got released as Juror #12. Womp.
In entertainment news: Toro Y Moi, Divine Fits and Ra Ra Riot occupied my ears. Totally digging on Toro.
Into the Darkest Corner & It's Kind of a Funny Story occupied my eyes. The former was really good and the latter was, okay I guess. Also, I finished watching White Collar and power watched Downton Abbey. SO good. Love me some early 20th century Brit-life. I had a bunch of fun design projects which I guess you could say occupied my hands & brain?
As far as being social is concerned: I ventured to Brooklyn for an awesome girls night with my fave Brooklynite. I also tried fresh pasta for the 1st time and WOW. Delish.
We had an amazing bday party for my mom, hosted by my sister. She went all out in the food & decor dept. The most insane mini-key lime pies I EVER tasted and the most heart stopping decor. She rules!
We attended a re-housewarming/St.Patti's day party in Morristown (thanks Sar!!) where we had ridiculously good Guinness cupcakes and listened to awesome live musical talent.
Also, since we aren't total social mooches, T & I hosted a really fun dinner party at Casa Ragu for our work besties. We killed many, many bottles of wine, had a lot of laughs and thanks to Jboo, we all experienced 'beer wine' for the first time.
We rocked out to The HIVES at Irving Plaza on a Sunday night, cuz we're still young and hip like that. I felt extremely short and couldn't see much but they were awesome nevertheless. And, we made our second trip to the BaoHaus where my AMAZING husband let me have his chicken bao after I ordered pork belly by mistake. Even if they'd run out of most of their menu again, at least I graffiti'd the table this time.
Besides [finally] stealing the mayorship to 7 Farmers Market, I think that's it. Oh, and apparently I liked wearing my lime cardigan a LOT this month….